Do you own your customers'
marketing data ?
AMS INNVIS Marketing Data Customer 1
AMS INNVIS Marketing Data Customer 2
AMS INNVIS Marketing Data Customer 4
AMS INNVIS Marketing Data Customer 3
AMS INNVIS Marketing Data Customer 5
Are you converting your registrations to
customer profiles ?
AMS INNVIS Customer Profiles Email
AMS INNVIS Customer Profiles Youtube
AMS INNVIS Customer Profiles Web
AMS INNVIS Customer Profiles Twitter
AMS INNVIS Customer Profiles Linkedin
AMS INNVIS Marketing Data Customer 1
AMS INNVIS Marketing Data Customer 2
AMS INNVIS Marketing Data Customer 4
AMS INNVIS Marketing Data Customer 3
AMS INNVIS Marketing Data Customer 5
AMS INNVIS Customer Profiles Instagram
AMS INNVIS Customer Profiles Doc
Do you have a single view
of your customer ?
AMS INNVIS Customer Single View
How much of your resources are being consumed
by manual marketing tasks?
AMS INNVIS Marketing Tasks QuestionmarkAMS INNVIS Marketing Tasks Curiosity People
Have you fully automated
your MarTech yet ?
AMS INNVIS Automated Martech
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< Value
Proposition />

Automated Marketing Studio (AMS) significantly boosts efficiency by automating repetitive tasks, enabling personalized marketing at scale, providing actionable data insights, and enhancing ROI. It's the key to saving time and cost, while amplifying marketing effectiveness.

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AMS INNVIS Value Proposition Thumbs Up
AMS INNVIS Value Proposition Target
AMS INNVIS Value Proposition Brain Circuit
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AMS INNVIS Value Proposition Handshake
AMS INNVIS Value Proposition Balance
AMS INNVIS Customer Strategy

Customer strategy

  • Are your customer segmentation strategies aligned with your overall business goals?

    Could they benefit from being more precise, and in turn, drive more effective marketing efforts?

  • How well do you know your customer?

    Are you aware of their preferences, their needs, and how they interact with your brand?

  • Are your marketing messages tailored to each of your customer segments?

    How much could your engagement rates improve with better personalization?

AMS INNVIS Brand And Design

Brand & Design

  • Does your brand's visual identity align with your company values and target audience?

    Could a design revamp better reflect who you are and attract the right customers?

  • Is your brand story compelling and clearly communicated across all touchpoints?

    Are there areas where your brand narrative could be stronger?

  • How consistent is your brand's appearance and messaging across all channels?

    Could increased consistency enhance brand recognition and trust?

AMS INNVIS Channels And Communication Layer

Channels & Communication Layer

  • How are you utilizing headless CMS in your content management?

    Could this technology offer more flexibility and control over your content across various channels?

  • How personalized are your email marketing campaigns?

    Could more tailored content and templates create a higher impact?

  • Is your social media communication connected to your Customer Data platform?

    How might a more unified approach across platforms enhance brand perception?







  • Embrace modern Web tools.
  • Leverage latest technologies like React and Gatsby for an optimal online experience
  • Web presence optimized for both desktop and mobile experiences.
AMS Hover Icon
AMS INNVIS Customer Data

Customer Data

  • How effectively are you managing and maintaining your Customer Master Data?

    Could improvements in data quality and consistency lead to more reliable insights and decision-making?

  • Are you leveraging Marketing Automation to its fullest potential?

    Could more sophisticated automation workflows enhance efficiency and personalization in your campaigns?

  • How are you personalizing customer experiences based on insights from your customer data?

    Could more detailed segmentation and profiling create more relevant and engaging experiences?

AMS INNVIS Reporting And Analytics

Reporting & analytics

  • Is your reporting providing a comprehensive view across all marketing channels?

    How might a more unified view help you understand the full customer journey and make more informed decisions?

  • Are your reporting tools integrated with other systems like CRM and Marketing Automation for a seamless flow of data?

    How might tighter integration create efficiencies and provide a more complete picture of performance?

  • How effectively are your dashboards visualizing key performance indicators (KPIs)?

    Could more intuitive and actionable dashboard design enhance decision-making across the organization?

< AMS /> 

Automated Marketing Studio (AMS) streamlines marketing through innovative martech capabilities. Its integrated approach includes Customer Strategy for precise targeting, Brand & Design for cohesive identity, Channels and Communication to enhance web, email, and social media presence, Customer Data management for personalized experiences, and Reporting and Analytics for insightful decision-making. By automating repetitive tasks and connecting various layers, AMS boosts efficiency, saving time and costs while amplifying marketing effectiveness on a global scale.

AMS INNVIS Capabilities Presentation

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